第22回 New Physics Forum
New Physics Forum を以下のように開催致します。第22回目となる今回は特定の物理のトピックに限定せず、若手研究者の方々に講演を依頼し自由に議論をする会としたいと思います。皆様お誘い合わせの上ぜひご参加ください。
日時:12月13日(金) 15:00 -
場所:東大柏キャンパス、Kavli IPMU、セミナールームA
Yevgeny Stadnik (Kavli IPMU)、「Novel approaches to dark matter detection with atomic, molecular and optical experiments」
Tobias Binder (Kavli IPMU)、「Understanding Dark Matter Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation, bound-state formation and decay in the Early Universe」
永島伸多郎 (KEK)、「Probing heavy neutral leptons in the nuMSM」
15:00-15:15 IPMU tea time
15:15-16:00 講演1
16:00-16:45 講演2
(15 min. break)
17:00-17:45 講演3
We will have the 22nd meeting of the New Physics Forum as follows. This time, instead of discussing a specific physics topic, we asked young researchers to give talks on their recent research.
Date: December 13 (Fri.) 15:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus, Kavli IPMU, Seminar room A
Speakers and talk titles:
Yevgeny Stadnik (Kavli IPMU), "Novel approaches to dark matter detection with atomic, molecular and optical experiments"
Tobias Binder (Kavli IPMU), "Understanding Dark Matter Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation, bound-state formation and decay in the Early Universe"
Shintaro Eijima (KEK), "Probing heavy neutral leptons in the nuMSM"
15:00-15:15 IPMU tea time
15:15-16:00 talk 1
16:00-16:45 talk 2
(15 min. break)
17:00-17:45 talk3